If you follow us on instagram, you may have seen that this year we have partnered up with Shilpa Agashe for a fun project for the year.
The idea is that we post pictures of the flowers that we see while we go about our business each day. Shilpa is a wonderful artist and she often draws what she sees. We are focusing on flowers that are particularly beneficial for bees.
We’d love it if you join in and post what you see. We’ve already had people joining in from some very far flung places – Singapore, Switzerland and Scotland. It’s been very interesting to see what’s flowering where.
If you’d like to take a look, then search for #2022inbloom. Our instagram is here: www.instagram.com/highgatehoney and Shilpa is here: www.instagram.com/agasheshilpa
If you would like to take part, then please use #2022inbloom and tag us, so we don’t miss your post. (@highgatehoney and @agasheshilpa).