This year all the flowers seem to be about a month ahead of usual. Our bees have been very busy collecting nectar from a huge range of plants and trees. This gives our honey a complex flavour and makes London honey unique.
Here are a few that I’ve recently spotted while walking around our local area

We are lucky to be surrounded by gardens and parks with such a wide selection of flowers at the moment.


Around here there are a lot of privet hedges, they are humming with bees at the moment.

I’m particularly pleased to see bumbles busy dipping in and out of the foxgloves that I’ve grown from seed.

Busy on the blackberry blossom

Evidence that they have been here!

The huge lime tress are just starting to flower, on our walk to school every morning we check their progress. If the weather stays warm I’m sure our bees will be feasting on the nectar soon.