When I was arrived at the honey show last night I was astonished to see that our honey had won the medium colour class. Someone told me that I really should look at the other categories too.

I glanced across the jars of honey to see that I’d got 2nd in the novice class and a highly commended in the cut comb category.

Then my jaw hit the floor when I saw that I’d also won the dark honey class and that honey had also been awarded the Best Honey in the Show prize!

I’m absolutely thrilled that our bees have done so well and am still wandering around with a huge grin on my face.
The show was really interesting – I am in awe of those who produced beautiful blocks of wax and candles. The judge gave a very interesting talk about the things that he looks for when judging, such as shining a powerful torch into the honey to check for any debris or bubbles.
The children were really excited this morning when I told them how it had gone, and as soon as M had finished his breakfast he raced upstairs to thank the bees and tell them that they make the best honey ever!
We will soon be adding all these honeys to our little shop, so you will be able to taste them for yourself.