We try to have something in flower in our garden at all times of the year that will provide some pollen and nectar to any passing insects. January and February are often perceived as the gloomiest months of the year, but our garden still has a few offerings.

This lovely viburnum has been flowering for a couple of months now – It seems to like being in our shady North facing front garden – the scent is divine, I sometimes get wafts of it as we come and go from the house.
Also in our front garden, is this rosemary – which again has been flowering on and off for a month or so. It’s so handy to be able to pick a sprig when I need a bit for cooking.

I’m a big fan of hellebore and we have quite a few different colours of them – this is the first to flower this year.

These little charmers are just about to open too – so pretty, I just love them.

And just in time for Burns Night, we have some heather flowering!
Dear Helen,
I hope this email finds you well.
I searched local honey in Barnet in this website https://www.beekeeping.org.uk/news/2018/10/14/honey-for-sale. Luckily, I found your contact here.
I have an issue with pollen every year starting from March to July. I was introduced to local honey by a friend and it helped me.
Now the local organic shop I often buy honey from does not stock anymore. I wonder if I could order some raw local honey from you?
Kind regards,
Hi Johanna
We do have some honey for sale – please check out our webshop at https://www.highgatehoney.com/shop
Best wishes