We are a family who lives in Highgate in North London. We started keeping bees in 2013 when we moved to the area and realised that it would be possible to have a hive on the roof of our home. Since then the number of colonies has grown and we now also have apiaries in Hampstead, Finchley, Dartmouth Park, Epping Forest and Hendon.
We are particularly fascinated by the variation in tastes and colours of honey produced by the same hives throughout the season. We extract our honey in small batches every few weeks over the summer to try and capture these differences. We jar and label the honey from each hive separately so we can really appreciate each type. We watch to see which flowers we see bees visiting in our local area, so we get an idea about which nectars may be in the honey.
We’d love you to try some of the different flavours of our North London honey that our bees produce – please check out our shop to see what’s available now.